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MOFILM Fan Ad Competition (Contest Winners Shown)

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Monday, September 28, 2009
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Here are the winners of this contest:

First place winner: "stop ignoring your skin" by Jeff Gill

Second place runner up: "Busy Life Healthy Skin" by Adam Montoya

Third place runner up: "Vaseline" by Alexandria Jackson

Are you an aspiring movie maker? I know many of us anime fans are if AMVs are any hint of it. Well, got some cool news to share to you from my friends over at RocketXL and MOFILM.
Some of you might know about the Times BFI 53rd London Film Festival that's in October. MOFILM and Vaseline want you to possibly win a trip to the Film Festival as well as get a hold of $10,000. Here's the details:

"Vaseline MEN has forged an exciting partnership with MOFILM, a pioneer in sourcing user-generated content, for the "Make an Ad" Competition which offers aspiring filmmakers the chance to submit a film by October 5 for the chance to win these amazing prizes:

- 1st Place prize is US $10,000 and a trip for two people to attend this year's London Film Festival, including airfare and lodging! - 2nd Prize: US $500 - 3rd Prize: US $500

Vaseline has created a creative brief around its Vaseline MEN Fast Absorbing Body & Face lotion that it is uniquely designed to fortify men's skin to make it stronger and more resilient, in just :15 seconds a day. Interested participants can download the creative brief, already available, at the MOFILM website http://www.mofilm.com/competitions/lff2009/terms to create a 90-second advertisement on the brief and upload it to the MOFILM website before the closing date of October 5.

The competition is open to anyone over the age of 16, with awards and prizes to be selected by a brand representatives and a distinguished group of independent judges.

You can also follow @MOFILMvaseline on Twitter for updates from Vaseline MEN and can tweet any questions about the brief or program directly to the brand."

Check this out guys. Who knows, your clip might be the one to win..just don't do the AMV route and put copyrighted material ^^;;

Inuyasha: The Final Act (updated)

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on
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(Update 10/3/09): The first episode airs very soon on Hulu.com! Check the trailer below. The instant it goes up, I'll get it here on the site ^_^

Great news for Inuyasha fans! Soon there finally will be closure to the anime series! The 26 episode sequel series called Inuyasha: The Final Act will be airing in Japan starting October 3rd. The story continues where the last series ended and will complete the story remaining in 21 manga volumes. Viz of course will be buying the rights here in the US, not sure if Cartoon Network will drop the ball again and miss out on yet another big series, but at least we'll see it finally come to a conclusion. Hopefully I'll resurrect my old Inyasha section into the new format of my site by then ^^;; This is also great info for those who have been bugging me about the supposed OVA that was to happen. This I'm pretty sure is what it has evolved into.

More news can be read at Anime News Network

(still wondering why I'm getting the cold shoulder from @ANNZac there. I throw traffic their way; probably pissed since my site sometimes gets better SEO than they do -_-)

New York Anime Fest 2009 (Updated)

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Friday, September 25, 2009
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Well, the 2009 NY Anime Fest has come to a close. Had a great time. Going to post up some cool stuff in the days to come, including a surprise for the front page of the site ^^ You can check the Flickr feed I used while there. Tried to make it as live as possible but the darn iPhone's battery power kept things at a minimum. As for best cosplay of the event (other than my fiancee being Tifa)...check out this sick, sick Bumble Bee costume.

See NYAF pictures at the official group here.

Anime on the Tonight Show (updated)

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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Did you guys see this yesterday? Conan O'Brien yesterday on the Tonight show was doing a skit on anime. The studio, Bang Zoom, is very popular with anime and actually will probably be at this weekend's NY Anime Fest. Like many, I'll be trying to get a chance to show my voice acting there. Check out the video below from Hulu here (skip to about 13 minutes in). Conan is introduced to anime figures and does some voice acting for Ghost in the Shell and gets a liking for anime skirts ^^;;

Below is the skit they did a few months back with Ghost in the Shell
(sorry for the initial mix up ^^;;)

NY Anime Fest LIVE (test)

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The time has come for the New York Anime Festival! All weekend I'm broadcasting picture tweets from my iPhone with some descriptions on what's going down. Check out what's live below:

After the weekend, expect some sort of recap on the convention.

Going to be at NY Anime Fest? Tweet me (@princetrunks) and I'll try to fit your news into the feed as well or hey, even meet up ^^ My fiancée will be cosplaying as Tifa, so you'll get a hint on where to find us.

SasameKisscomi: Anime iPhone Kissing Game

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Friday, September 18, 2009
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You heard me right, there is an anime kissing game that just came out in the iPhone app store (around Wednesday). From the upcoming Yuri series, Sasameki Koto Yuri, you get to practice your kissing skills and get trained on kissing by Ushio Kazama from the series. Mainly you get scored on how you kiss the image of Kazama. What's cool is that it's FREE, works on the iPhone + iPod Touch and is made for the English market too with English subtitles for the Japanese dialog...with directions in English as well. Just search "SasameKisscomi" in the app store and be at a wifi hotspot since this is a large file and won't download in the 3G network (like anything does anyway -_-). Oh and...be sure to sanitize that iPhone before and after using the app.

gotta love the funny misspellings and grammar errors ^^;
(like I often do on my initial blog post emails ^^;;;;)

Get practicing people, especially guys; I hear too many girls complaining about bad kissing guys.

If you are a yuri fan, check out the series once it comes out in October.

Reminder About Nendoroid Kureha Contest

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Thursday, September 17, 2009
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It seems I have to remind people about this. I am giving away a FREE Nendoroid Kureha figure with this current contest. The purpose of the contest is to promote my new member's blog and to help you all link up your anime sites better....and to give a lucky reader this adorable figure.

Some of you have emailed me and got the rights to start blogging but for some odd reason...haven't made a single post! o_O You have to be in it to win it and being a co-author on this site is a step in the right direction but WON'T make you eligible to possibly win this cute figure.

For those of you who never heard of this, a few months back I created a Member's Blog
. Like some other anime sites, it allows you to blog right here about say the latest anime news, your figure collection, anime rumors, etc. The need for this portion of the site comes as my blog roll that links all my fellow anime sites has gotten too large and many of you want to link in to promote your site. My site isn't as big as say Gaia or Danny Choo's yet but up until now, I've been getting 5K unique views per day at an average alexa.com ranking of 150K which is perfect for helping people visit your site...and of course a number of emails for hooking up fellow anime bloggers.

As of yesterday I even completed a deal with Otaku USA Magazine to post ads of this site and my anime store. (more on that in a future post) With 300K subscribers to that magazine, I very much expect and aim for a larger boost in traffic as to make any guest blogging here worth the effort.

Here again is how you can be a part of this contest:

Anyways, here's what you need to do to hopefully get your hands on Kureha:
  • Email me so I can invite you to be a writer on the Member's Blog part of this site.
  • Accept the invitation from google's blogger.com
  • From blogger.com create a blog post showing say, your otaku room, your anime figure collection, why you are into anime or something relating to anime, japan or the like.
  • Just one decent blog post with at least one picture is fine and gets you entered in the contest. Remember to have your blogger profile have a link to your anime site/blog so you can gain good exposure. A link at the end of your blog post is fine....just no spamming and nothing non-related to anime, japan, etc -_- .
  • From then you can blog to your heart's desire about say a new anime figure that came out, etc. really good or interesting posts will be promoted to the main blog, but all you need is one post to get you in the contest..the rest is just extra credit and just helps expose you and your blog. (just no more than say 3 posts a day per user)
  • Of course, please follow the Member's Blog rules and don't post anything beyond PG-13, pornographic, illegal, etc. Violators will be banned -_-
  • One winner will be chosen from the list of guest bloggers on October 3rd 2009 or once around 10 or so guest bloggers post if after the given date. (obviously now the latter seems to be what will be done)

Anime Pic of the Day 9/10/09: Starbucks Logo

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Thursday, September 10, 2009
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Had to post this one up today too. Thanks to peterpayne.net (head of the famed JList store, see I complement even my 'competition') for showing us this amazing anime logo of Starbucks. Now if they had that as the logo, you'd know they'd fix their little slump they are in (and of course cheaper coffee). I know who I'm going to for a new logo for my store ^^;;

Naruto Shippuden & Disney XD

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on
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Big news today thanks to the Hollywood Reporter is that Disney completed a deal with Viz to air Naruto Shippuden in the US on Disney's XD block of programming. Cartoon Network probably did it's greatest blunder since it's canceling of Toonami and their few years of practically ignoring what got them on the map in the first place, anime.
Before I get Adult Swim fans mad at me, I'll gladly state that I like a few things from AS that are on today and I was part of the crowd that helped bring back Family Guy. Yet, as someone who's been watching CN since the days of Pokemon in 1996, the progression of Cartoon Network and the very creation of Adult Swim was due to anime...which has been forgotten and made fun of since about 2004-2005.

As an anime purest and as an anime store owner, I have strong feelings on both sides. As for marketing and for the hope of a true revival of anime in the US market, Naruto Shippuden being on Disney XD is amazing. My business will be booming and combined with Syfy channel, FUNimation channel, and The Anime Network, anime could finally not be at the butt of every joke at Williams Street and be back in the lime light. Though my friend Tiago who got me into anime, works for Willams Street (Adult Swim), the joke is really on Cartoon Network now. Like it or not, having the first Naruto series was a plus for them. Let's not forget Disney's recent acquisition of Marvel. Disney might even attract the same type of crowd and heck, maybe even the same crowd that Toonami had.

The anime purest in me though is going to be ticked off. The reason why is that we will see a well drawn (but highly fillered) series like Naruto become this kiddy, watered down US version to accommodate the kiddies on Disney. You'll see sandwiches digitally covering rice balls since the US market "won't get it" and any scene with blood and violence in Naruto will be brutally hacked or sweat will be replacing the blood. If this is the price to pay to bring back anime's popularity to the US, I guess it is a decent price to pay.

(oh, BTW, the quick Photoshop deal on that picture was me ^^;;)

Feel free to post your comments/opinions on this below.

New Anime Site Feature: Thumbnail Posts

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Monday, September 7, 2009
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Many sites have this, the ability to post their feeds with thumbnail photos, but my God is it a pain to find out HOW to do it, even for a programmer, like me. Even more of a trouble is that my blogs are all run from my own server/sites; so, despite this being a "blogger" blog, I get no customization love from Google being that this isn't a .blogspot blog or Wordpress blog -_-

Having thumbnail recent posts and label posts looks far better than the regular text feeds we commonly see with RSS feed aggregation. Thanks to a new reworking on the feed2js by engadgeteer.com's Bryan (who btw is also an anime fan), I was able to finally automate, thumbnailed posts for my blog and their labels. Of course, I'd like to have the code be local to my own site for SEO and security purposes, but this will do for now till I work a deal with them.

Check out some of the areas I've added recent posts to, like the front page (at the bottom), here (check below), and even on sections like anime figures, cosplay and anime music. Now with this, I can bring back old sections of the site like say Final Fantasy VII Tifa's section and have all posts about Tifa show under her gallery of photos automatically. This will then be integraded with the Member's Blog for more exposure to your posts.

Speaking of the member's blog, um, some of you signed up to blog and possibly win Nendoroid Kureha but haven't posted a single post -_- You have to be in it to win it guys, and being in the contest means posting on the Member's Blog .

Thanks again engadgeteer.com and their developer, Bryan for this much needed feature.

New Anime Site Feature: Thumbnail Posts

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on
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Many sites have this, the ability to post their feeds with thumbnail photos, but my God is it a pain to find out HOW to do it, even for a programmer, like me. Even more of a trouble is that my blogs are all run from my own server/sites; so, despite this being a "blogger" blog, I get no customization love from Google being that this isn't a .blogspot blog or Wordpress blog -_-

Having thumbnail recent posts and label posts looks far better than the regular text feeds we commonly see with RSS feed aggregation. Thanks to a new reworking on the feed2js by engadgeteer.com's Bryan (who btw is also an anime fan), I was able to finally automate, thumbnailed posts for my blog and their labels. Of course, I'd like to have the code be local to my own site for SEO and security purposes, but this will do for now till I work a deal with them.

Check out some of the areas I've added recent posts to, like the front page (at the bottom), here (check below), and even on sections like anime figures, cosplay and anime music. Now with this, I can bring back old sections of the site like say Final Fantasy VII Tifa's section and have all posts about Tifa show under her gallery of photos automatically. This will then be integraded with the Member's Blog for more exposure to your posts.

Speaking of the member's blog, um, some of you signed up to blog and possibly win Nendoroid Kureha but haven't posted a single post -_- You have to be in it to win it guys, and being in the contest means posting on the Member's Blog .

Thanks again engadgeteer.com and their developer, Bryan for this much needed feature.

Anime Pic of the Day: Marvel/Yamashita Girls

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on Friday, September 4, 2009
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This poster was at the Kotobukiya booth over at SDCC 09 about a month and a half back. just wanted to pay homage to Shunya Yamashita and his amazing work so far with Marvel. The Rogue figure recently arrived and it looks great. (kept one for myself ^^) Of course the news that happened earlier this week was that Marvel was bought out by, of all companies, Disney 0-O. As long as Disney keeps everything basically the way they were, Marvel will do just fine. Hopefully things don't go down the watered down kiddy route for Marvel. If that happens, chances are Yamashita won't be designing Bishoujo too much longer :-( It's very obvious that Yamashita with Kotobukiya (and sculptor Koei Matsumoto) make very gorgeous versions of American comic book girls. Sadly, the comic book girl figures developed here in the US tend to look like, well...very manly women 0_O, so please Disney...don't drop the deal with Yamashita and Kotobukiya.

Anime Pic of the Day: Marvel/Yamashita Girls

Posted by Chuck's Anime Shrine on
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This poster was at the Kotobukiya booth over at SDCC 09 about a month and a half back. just wanted to pay homage to Shunya Yamashita and his amazing work so far with Marvel. The Rogue figure recently arrived and it looks great. (kept one for myself ^^) Of course the news that happened earlier this week was that Marvel was bought out by, of all companies, Disney 0-O. As long as Disney keeps everything basically the way they were, Marvel will do just fine. Hopefully things don't go down the watered down kiddy route for Marvel. If that happens, chances are Yamashita won't be designing Bishoujo too much longer :-( It's very obvious that Yamashita with Kotobukiya (and sculptor Koei Matsumoto) make very gorgeous versions of American comic book girls. Sadly, the comic book girl figures developed here in the US tend to look like, well...very manly women 0_O, so please Disney...don't drop the deal with Yamashita and Kotobukiya.

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